Monday, January 18, 2010


I stopped by Studio Enigma in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, which opened up last summer as Gotham City Tattoo, just to introduce myself and promote my blog, Tattoosday.

I was chatting with Bill Blood, one of the artists, and noticed he had some cool knuckle lettering.

After telling him about the site, he agreed to share his ink here:

The letters, of course, spell out the word “LOBOTOMY,” the first time I have seen that combination on knuckles. The effect is enhanced by the Gothic font, which is similar to the lettering in the Misfits logo.

Bill started “scratching” back in 1998, and has been professionally tattooing for about seven years.

Why “lobotomy”?

He likes the word, the way it sounds, the way it looks, the way it reads. He once played guitar in a band called “Chainsaw Lobotomy,” although Bill says that the coincidence with the ink ends there.

In all honesty, this piece represents how creativity can really transform knuckle tattoos into something memorable. The fact that his friend Jason inked these in such a cool font, reminiscent of the horror genre, and used a blend of yellow and green ink to make the knuckles “pop,” shows that Bill put some serious thought into these digits.

Thanks to Bill for sharing these cool knuckle tattoos!

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