Friday, December 31, 2010

Cute Girl Tattoos

Cute Girl Tattoos 2010/2011

No one wants to be caught wearing the same outfit and that is the same with a tattoo. Especially since a person wears a tattoo for the rest of their life, it is not as easy to change as an outfit. For that reason girls want their tattoos to be truly unique

Friday, December 17, 2010

Small tattoos for girls

If women and girls are usually smaller than men and more accurate

construction, and smaller tattoos are more appropriate for girls and young women. Moreover, usually women are more skin appear more often and with smaller tattoos on what seems to be more acceptable in public places.
Only a very small number of women receive, for example, the full tattoo sleeves. Most women get one or two small incisions in different parts of their bodies.
And less popular tattoos for women are:
1. Butterfly tattoo – very popular, especially among young girls. Very nice, too. 2. Flower tattoos – flowers are very feminine in general, and because it makes the tattoo or perfect for young girls. Rose, lilies, sunflowers and roses are one of the most pupular floral designs.
3. Fariy Tattoo – we all loved and faries Tinkerbell is just beautiful designs
for young girls. Fairies and girls themselves (and are, fortunately, they always remain younger) with the power of magic – something we all dream of. Perfect as a tattoo.
4. Dolphin tattoo – a very special meaning, you can read about in my post a blog about tattoos dolphin.
5. Tribal tattoos – seems to be the most popular tattoos for young women. In many cases, also on the lower back tattoo (also as a “tramp stamp” – a name known to get bad wondeful place for a tattoo).
6. Heart tattoos – what could be more romantic than a tattoo of a heart of a girl or young woman? Very feminine. Just resist the urge to know the actual name of her boyfriend in the heart. You know: boyfriends may come and go, but you have (hearts) tattoo will age with you.
Were not sure of the design to go? See thounsands great tattoo for girls in Chopper Tatttoo.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Symbolic importance of lip tattoos

Have you heard about lip tattoos? Lip tattoos are general on the inner side of bottom lip; however occasionally it may be present in upper lip. These attractive tattoos are perfect and unusual. A number of people generally classify lip tattoos as hardcore tattoos however; personally it is only another tattoo. Generally those, who intend to have inner lip tattoos, get extremely unpleasant words tattooed. Many people tend to obtain words that they do not wish to advertise to general public. Another great reason that people get lip tattoos is for ego. Lip tattoos are risky in terms of will it reside or lighten away. Even if, usually, inner lip tattoos become lighter. However, generally you require going for several touchups if you wish the tattoos to remain permanent.