Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sexy Lower Back Tattoo Designs

The lower back is an extremely sexy place for a girl to get a tattoo. Guys just go crazy over these tattoos and girls seem to love to show them off every chance they get. You will see girls with the low cut jeans and the shirt that's a little too small showing off that perfect lower back tattoo.

Why do girls like to get them and why is it that guys love them? Well it's probably has something to do with our animal instincts of picking a mate. This primal reason may be why we are drawn to that part of the body. It could also be that we just like to see exposed skin and a sexy tattoo just adds to the visual pleasure.

Another reason for why a girl may get a tattoo on the lower back is because that it is relatively easy to hide if for some reason you do not want to show it off. This could be the case in a work environment or some social events

There are some tattoo designs that you will find more often on the lower back. These include suns, wings, flowers, and also tribal designs. They range from small cute tattoos to the more large intricate tattoos.

There are a few things to consider when you are picking out a tattoo design. You should pick a design that you are going to enjoy and be happy with for the rest of your life. There are online galleries that you can pick designs from that will aid in this process. This should not be a stressful process and should be fun and exciting.

Sexy Lower Back Tattoos is a great place to find tattoo designs. I hope you enjoy your tattoos as much as I enjoy mine!

Visit for all your tattoo needs.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Free Tattoo Designs

Have you ever wanted to get a tattoo? One of the most difficult issues when deciding to get a tattoo is where to start. Finding a tattoo design that inspires you can be quite a challenge. When you go into a tattoo shop there are often books full of tattoo art however many tattoo artists have a certain style that stick to which makes many of their tattoos similar to one another.

Picking a design is a crucial step when you are making the decision to get a tattoo. This decision is more important than most people are aware, since this is a piece of art that will remain on your body for your entire life. This is why you will see any reputable tattoo shop will not give an intoxicated person a tattoo. The decision to get a tattoo should be thought through clearly, and it all starts with the design.

One important factor in picking a design is also going to be the placement of the design. This will often influence the design that you decide to get since size and shape of the body will play into a persons decision of design. Finding a tattoo design requires a lot of research and time so that you will be pleased with the end result.

Finding tattoo designs is not difficult however finding free tattoo designs can be challenging since most tattoo shops want you to pay for each design that they have made. Finding the tattoo that is right for you is not an easy task but with some time and focus it can be done.

For a complete gallery of free tattoo designs and images check out a site full of free designs for people to view, download, and print.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Tattoo Placement - Nasty Spots For Females

There are tattoos that look great on certain people and then there is that tattoo that looks like it does not belong. Below are a few tattoo placements ( in my opinion ) that women should not get:

1. Wrist Tattoos - The wrist is not a bad area to get tattooed but for women, this area is not very attractive. The inking on the wrist is usually associated with masculine.

2. Forearm Tattoos - By far, the skin of the forearm is one of the best areas on the body for tattooing. It is very elastic and healing is notably faster. However, for a female, this is not that easy to cover up for it shows almost 100 % of the time. Not very attractive.

3. Neck Tattoos - Even on the rear side of the neck or just the side, the neck tattoo is a warning sign of future remorse. The area for inking is excellent for tattooing and the ink holds well, but it is still an area of the female body where a tattoo does not blend in well with the feminine beauty.

4. Between Breast - Some of the best skin on the body is found on the chest. Yes, it may look sexy while they are young and even middle aged but I am sorry, not when they are in their 70's.

5. Face Tattoos - Known for women in more cultural areas of the world, facial tattooing is definitely more for the men then the women. Other than woman getting eyeliner or lip liner tattooed, actual tattoo designs on the larger part of the face just do not make sense.

6. Toe Tattoos - A difficult area to tattoo well for most artists being that the skin does not stretch well and there is not much skin and area to cover. Healing for a toe tattoo usually never comes out well for the bandages used seem to cause problems leaving an ugly, permanent disaster.

Get some other great ideas about tattoos and body art at:
Tattoo Galore

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Free Tattoo Designs For Serious Tattoo Artists

Wouldn't it be great to find a place that has an infinite variety of free tattoo designs that you can get inspiration from any time? Wouldn't it be so cutting-edge to offer your clients the newest ink design fresh off the drawing board?

Think about how much of an expert you'd look like to your clients if you sat them down to showoff this plethora of totally customizable tattoos just for them. I'm sure that would make them feel like a premium level client securing their business with you.

Don't think you can do this with any free image site showing off ink jobs or any ol' catalog full of generic tattoo designs. Sure you can use them to some degree but soon enough the tattoo designs all start to look the same- and that's boring.

You need a place where no tattoo artist has gone before (joking). It's actually quite the opposite! Any smart tattoo artist would be all over a place like this if they really wanted to grow their business and clientele.

What am I talking about?

A membership gallery online offering tattoo designs for free.

Why become a member?

Because if you're not, you can't see any of the free designs.

There is a fee to become a member but that is all you will ever pay. All of the tattoo designs are totally free. You're just paying for access to this magnificent stock of tattoo designs! (Hey, they have a business to run too.)

Your clients will love you for having the hottest, freshest, most "perfect" designs for them to choose from and WILL be back for more. They will tell their friends about the selection of free ink designs you showed them and send them all your way. They may even sign up for the tattoo membership site through you, which will bring in another stream of income!

Bottom line; don't settle for tattoo designs that aren't top quality, even if they're free. Tattoo fanatics are looking for unique, personalized designs that virtually no one else has. Give your clients what they're looking for and they will be yours.

Want the greatest ink around? Then visit for instant access to the hottest gallery! Just look for the lady with the bad--- mural on her back!

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Angel Tattoo Designs

Most people who want a soft and simple tattoo idea tend to gravitate toward the angel tattoo designs. Many angel symbols are regarded for everything that's good or innocent and thus, people do not have issues showing off their good angel tattoo designs. Usually, these tattoos show the angel as a man or woman with wings and a white halo around the head. Often, the angels are dressed in flowing white garments, carrying harps, or in the case of the evil angel, a sword or trident.

Such mild designs are really popular among all people of different ages and gender. After all, the majority would like to associate themselves to the concept of goodness. Angel designs can be soft and mild looking, but are very appealing to eyes.

During Valentines Day, many couples automatically fall for the angel tattoo ideas which depict the cute god of love, Cupid. Other popular ideas include the angel tattooshowing a small child with the wings or similarities of Cupid. On the other hand, there are a few tattoo enthusiasts that select the bad angel design, such as the angel of death. These demonic angels are also tastefully done in many tattoo designs.

Among the thousands of different designs to choose from, angel tattoos are one of the most popular varieties of tattoos today. Since there are so many choices and the angel images are so popular, it should be easy to find a tattoo in this category. To make it unique, try combining two designs together. Whether you pick the typical good angel tattoo designs for portraying a soft personality or want the 'bad angel' for a naughty personality, choose carefully! If you are indecisive about whether to go with the good or bad angel, then put one on each of your arms. Once you narrow your search on a few unique designs, ask an expert or people close to you for input. In the end, you will be glad that you made an informed angel tattoo design decision!

FREE Tattoo design ideas:

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Hot Tattoo Designs For Girls - The Top Foot Tattoo Ideas For Feminine and Sexy Feet

It seems like many women these days are tired of the old tramp stamp lower back tattoo. Thus has led a lot of women that are into tattoos to search for other places to get a sexy tattoo on their body. One of the best options these days, is a foot tattoo. There are a ton of great foot tattoo ideas out there and these might help get your own ideas sparked for a cool, sexy and creative tattoo design.

Flowers - Of course flowers are always a great idea when you want something that is delicate and feminine. Floral tattoo designs can work really well because of the rich symbolic history that flowers have. Most flowers have some symbolic meaning behind them and the colors play an important part in that symbolism. All of these things together help in making a brightly colored floral tattoo design perfect. The vines and stems of the flower can also be integrated into the overall design for a free flowing very feminine look and feel to the tattoo.

Celtic Tattoo Designs - There are a ton of different Celtic tattoo designs out there. Many people fall for the Celtic cross right away because of it's beauty. However, there are also zoomorphic (animal knot work) shapes, spiral and step patterns throughout Celtic artwork and many of these designs can be incorporate with an Irish or Celtic saying making for an incredible and often very original and unique design.

Sayings - Sayings, writing and poems are currently on of the most popular design trends in tattoos. Many people are out getting literary, written tattoo designs. The lure of a great looking font and an insightful saying is often just enough to entice people to get a saying tattoo. This is easy, often done quickly and something that will create memories and affirmations forever. It works really well if you already have a quote or saying that you are attached to and care about.

Fairies - Fairies always work well on almost any part of the female body. The ability to pose the fairy and change their posture, mood, and facial expressions leads to an infinite number of possibilities for such a foot tattoo idea.

Butterflies - Butterflies are a lot like fairies in the lure of flight and the beauty of their wings. They display beautiful colors and the rich and deep symbolism behind them making butterflies a definite design to consider. Think of the transformation that a worm goes through to become a butterfly, for many people they feel this is symbolic of things they have gone through in their own life.

Tribal - It used to be that tribal designs were all bold, big, black line work tattoos. However, these days the tribal tattoo designs of the late 80 and early 90's have warped into an infinite array of possibilities including many feminine, and sexy tribal designs. The lines can be done in a lighter way and not as heavy and the line work itself often is not as angular or bold. It instead swirls around the foot in a delicate and beautiful way. Sometimes these might even convey a particular animal or object while at the same being just an abstract set of line.

This is just a few of the possibilities that are out there. It is best to take your time and choose your design by finding something that is symbolic and important to you. Hopefully the ideas above will get your own ideas flowing. To find more great information on tattoo designs, tattoo pictures and more check out Tattoos On Feet and for a more in-depth look at stars on of the most popular tattoo design you can also go to Tattoos Of Stars

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Cartoons In Lower Back Tattoo For Girl

The lower back offers a lot of space for a tattoo, it has a wide, smooth expanse suitable for tattooing. Even a tiny girl can have a large tattoo on the small of the back.

Cartoons In Lower Back Tattoo For Girl
There is room for a great variety of tattoo styles – tribal, Celtic, flower, you name it! The tattoos are often oblong in shape, wider in the center of the back and following the slope on either side of the woman’s spine.

A round tattoo at the base of the spine is a very different look, but can also be very attractive.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dragon Girl Tattoo

Dragon Tattoo

The most popular places to get dragon tattoos are the forearm, shoulder, and back. Though, you can get them anywhere you could think off. The stomach is also a pretty popular place to get your dragon tattoo. The forearm would most likely be the place where it hurts the least; I suppose it depends on your body. The legs are also cool places to get dragon tattoos.

Tattoo of Anne French

Celebrity Tattoo

Anne French tattoo body painting

Celebrity Tattoo

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is easily the most popular famous person who fan tattoos. She has a dozen tattoos or more, and continues adding them to her beautiful body. All of her tattoos are reflective of her exotic and dangerously sensual personality. Thanks to Jolie, the tribal dragon, which she has tattooed on her back, has become one of the most popular tattoo choices for women. In addition, her tattoos have created a strong interest in Southwest Asia traditional tattooing.

Golden dragon

Golden dragon

Golden dragon – Symbolizes the sailor has crossed the International Date Line

Monday, February 1, 2010

Amazing Color full Back Tattoo

Amazing Color full Back Tattoo

LondonTattoo Conventions

LondonTattoo Conventions

If you’re looking for a quick introduction into the world and the culture of tattoos, you can find no better place to start than at a tattoo convention. Of course they aren’t just for newcomers, but also a great place for enthusiasts to meet the legends of the tattoo world, to make new friends and to get more ink.

Mindless Self Indulgence Tattoo

Mindless Self Indulgence Tattoo

Mindless Self Indulgence (commonly referred to as MSI or as Mindless) is an American band formed in New York in 1997. Their music has a mixed style including punk rock, electronica, hip-hop, and industrial. Their name comes from the CD Mindless Self-Indulgence, a solo album by Jimmy Urine recorded in the mid-1990s.